Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Very Close, But It Appears Reader Will Not Participate In Three New Memphis Wells -- June 25, 2024


A reader currently has mineral rights associated with this well:
23714, 892, CLR, Memphis 2-4H, Last Chance, t2/13; cum 337K 4/24; location: SWNW 3-153-100, 1980 FNL 489 FWL

The map:

CLR has three more Memphis permits:

  • 40869, location: NENE 9-153-100, 672 FNL 315 FEL
  • 40870, location: NENE 9-153-100, 640 FNL 315 FEL
  • 40871, location: NENE 9-153-100, 608 FNL 315 FEL

Reader's deed of interest:

  • Last Chance oil field, section 6-153-100

From the June 25, 2024, daily activity report:

The spacing unit for these three wells:

  • S/2 of sections 4/5-153-100
  • N/2 of sections 8/9-153-100

So, it appears that even though these are "Memphis" permits and the reader has mineral rights associated with an earlier "Memphis" well, the reader will not participate with the three new Memphis wells.

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