See also this link.
Screenshot from Williams County deed, Oliver oil field:
Mineral rights are held in:
- sections 27 & 28, T157N-R98W
- sections 28/33-157-98
- sections 27/34-157-98
- The Kraken Black Federal wells are in sections 28/33-157-98.
- The Hobart wells are in section 27/34-157-98.
- sections 29/32/28/33-157-98
Statement from Kraken dated November 27, 2019, had these wells, from section 28/33-157-98:
- 35342, 633, Black Federal 33-28 2TFH, Oliver, t3/19; cum 148K 8/20; 19K month;
- 35341, 1,159, Black Federal 33-28 3H, Oliver, t2/19; cum 213K 8/20; 33K month;
- 35340, 547, Black Federal 33-28 4TFH, Oliver, t3/19; cum 102K 8/20; 16K month;
- 35339, 1,166, Black Federal 33-28 5H, Oliver, t2/19; cum 168K 10/19; 31K month;
- 35338, 780, Black Federal 33-28 6TFH, Oliver, t2/19; cum 208K 8/20; 26K month;
- 21797, 595, Black Federal 1-28H, Oliver, t12/12; cum 236K 8/20; 14K month;
- 34895, 887, Pocasset LE 29-32 1H, Oliver, t2/19; cum 204K 8/20; 28K month;
- 21626, 723, Hobart 1-27H, Oliver, t8/12; cum 245K 8/20; 18K month;
- 36977, drl/A, Black Federal 33-28 7H, sections 28/33-157-98; t--; cum 146K 8/20;
- 36978, drl/A, Hobart LW 34-27 1H, a section line well, 27/28/33/34-157-98; TD; 100% in target; t--; cum 147K 8/20;
- 36979, drl/A, Hobart 34-27 2H, sections 27/34-157-98; Oliver oil field, t--; cum 153K 8/20;
- 36976, drl/A, Kraken, Hobart 34-27 3H, Oliver, t--; cum 125K 8/20; five consecutive 24K+ months;
- 36975, drl/A, Kraken, Hobart 34-27 4H, Oliver, t--; cum 112K 8/20; a 28K month;
- 36974, drl/A, Kraken, Hobart 34-27 5H, Oliver, t--; cum 133K 8/20; five consecutive 24K+ months with one month over 30K;
- 36973, drl/A, Kraken, Hobart LE 35-26 1H, Oliver, t--; cum 133K 8/20; five consecutive 24K+ months with one month over 30K;
- The "red filled-in stars" are the sections in which minerals are held.
- The "red un-filled-in stars" are the sections that are part of the 1280-acre drilling units.